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Virat Kohli fans abuse Sangwan’s bad in social networks after the wild celebration of Himanshu

In a surprising turn of the following events The long -awaited return of Virat Kohli to the domestic cricketFans have erroneously attacked the wrong individual on social networks after their dismissal in the Ranji 2024-25 trophy party against Railway. Kohli was clean for only 6 races HIMANSHU SANGWANcausing a wild celebration of the bowling player who caught the attention of the passionate base of Kohli fans.


During the game that was played at Arun Jaitley Stadium in Delhi, Kohli’s tickets ended up abruptly when he judged an insignificant delivery of Sangwan, which resulted in his uprooting being uprooted. This dismissal marked a disappointing return for the Indian Cricket star, who had not played in the Ranji trophy for more than a decade. The emotion of the crowd quickly became silent when Kohli left after playing only 15 balls.

The exuberant Sangwan’s celebration of the Kohli Wickt was seen as a significant achievement, especially given the height of the Indian Cricket player. However, this inadvertently led to a case of erroneous identity, since another individual named Himanshu Sangwan faced a barrage of online abuse of anger of anger.

Look also: the excited celebration of Himanshu Sangwan after getting the kohli virat wickt

Sangwan wrong faces the anger of fans

The wrong Sangwan Sangwan, which is not connected to the Cricket, turned to social networks to clarify that he was not the bowling player responsible for Kohli’s dismissal. Published an Instagram story declaring, “I am not the Cricket Himanshu Sangwan player whom people confuse me.” This incident highlights the intense emotions surrounding the Cricket and the speed with which fans can react in the heat of the moment.

Former Cricket player Pradeep SangwanThat is not related to the incident, but shares a similar surname, he experienced a similar reaction with derogatory comments that flood his positions.

The incident has caused discussions about the behavior of fans on social networks, particularly the speed with which they can attack without verifying the facts.

As Crick’s enthusiasts continue to process the disappointing performance of Kohli and its implications for its form in the future, this incident serves as a reminder of the passionate nature of the Cricket Fandom and the importance of responsible use of social networks.

With the future performances of Kohli under scrutiny, fans will observe closely while their goal is to recover in the second entries of the party while waiting for more understanding and less vitriolo aimed at people who share names with public figures.

Also read: Who is Himanshu Sangwan? Railway’s pacemakers who cut the Ranji Virat Kohli Trophy Return

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