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Spanish motorsports legend open to succeed Florentino Pérez as president of Real Madrid

Earlier this week, Real Madrid confirmed that Florentino Pérez’s term as president has been extended, given that he did not contest in the last election. He will now remain at the helm until at least 2029, at which time he will be 83 years old.

Pérez has been president of Real Madrid for 22 of the last 25 years. Having originally been appointed in 2000, he served during his first term for six years, and was re-elected three years later, and has been in charge ever since. However, there will come a time when he continues, and at that stage, it will be interesting to see who his successor is.

Florentino Pérez at the 2024 General Assembly of Real Madrid (Photo from Sport / Twitter)

Someone who might be in for a shout is Carlos Sainz Sr., the 62-year-old, who is a legendary Spanish rally driver, is a well-known Real Madrid supporter, and the same goes for his son Carlos Sainz Jr, who currently drives in formula 1.

Sainz SR was recently on the El Cafelito podcast (via Relevero), and was asked about the possibility of becoming president of Real Madrid in the future.

“What I want is for Real Madrid to win and bring joy to all the fans. At that time I was running for vice president, it was something interesting because I thought I could contribute things to Real Madrid. Honestly, I still believe that I can contribute things to Real Madrid: on the day the club feels that way, if I am available at that time, then I will be happy to contribute things to Real Madrid and help the club.

“I can also help in other ways (if not as president), such as the board of directors. I think I can contribute to Real Madrid. I say that I will always be willing to help Real Madrid.”

Sainz Sr will be waiting a while if he is to claim the presidency of Real Madrid, but if he does, he could be a popular choice.

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