A video that has gone viral on social networks aims to show a time when fans of Hardik Pandya supposedly mocked the Captain of Cricket Indian Rohit Sharma with songs of “Hardik … hardik” and referred to him as “Vadapao” During a Ranji trophy match between Mumbai and Jammu and Kashmir.
Questions arise about authenticity in a viral video addressed to Rohit Sharma
The incident, captured in the video, shows Rohit walking down a hall, a place where fans normally have no access during the games, suggesting that the audio could have been edited or added later. The songs and comments that are heard in the video are particularly notable since they arrive at a time when Rohit is trying to recover the shape in the national cricket scene before the ICC 2025 Champions Trophy.
Rohit keeps the composure between songs that raise their eyebrows
In the images, Rohit seems to be concentrated and imperturbable by the noise outside the field, but the nature of the songs, especially “Vadapao” – A popular street food of Mumbai, apparently used here in a derogatory context – have caused debates on social networks on the behavior and sports spirit of fans.
So far, there is no confirmation of whether this audio really comes from the party or if it was manipulated to create a narrative. The authenticity of the video remains low scrutiny.
Here is the video:
Hardik Pandya fans booed Rohit Sharma during a Ranji trophy match, chanting Hardik’s name and calling Rohit Sharma Vada Pav “Vadapav in front of him … pic.twitter.com/mqx8mwhthe
—Ar 💫 (@kungfu_pandya_0) January 25, 2025
Look too: Abid Mushtaq takes out a scream with one hand to say goodbye
Rohit’s disappointing remote in the Ranji trophy
In particular, the long -awaited return of Rohit to the Ranji trophy after almost a decade was received with disappointment in the field. The right batter, which seeks to rediscover its shape before the Champions Trophy, opened Mumbai’s batting against Jammu & Kashmir. However, his performance was disappointing; In the first tickets, Rohit achieved only 3 races with 19 balls, showing struggle to find his rhythm. His second entry was a little better, but he still did not meet expectations, scoring 28 races with 35 balls, before being caught. These scores reflect a challenging return for Rohit, which adds pressure in its goal of returning to its best way in the National Cricket.