If we take medication for a disease, it is important to know that some of the foods or nutrients we take every day can enhance or cancel the effect of the medicine.
Should We Change Our Diet if We Are Taking Medications?
1. Proteins.

They interfere with the absorption of L-DOPA which is used to treat Parkinson’s disease. You should consult your doctor if you should reduce or avoid protein foods such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy products and legumes.
2. Vitamin K.
Reduces the effect of oral anticoagulants such as sintrom. It is in cabbages, beets, green tea, lettuce, spinach, peas, chard, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc.
3. Fats.
They also reduce the effectiveness of oral anticoagulants and medications used in the treatment of AIDS (zidovudine, indinavir and didanosine). The best option is to take these medications on an empty stomach.
4. Dairy.

They reduce the absorption and effectiveness of some antibiotics (tetracyclines and oral penicillins), iron supplements and laxatives with magnesium. It is recommended to allow at least 2 hours to pass before eating dairy products.
5. Garlic.
It enhances the action of oral anticoagulants (warfarin and acenocoumarol) and may increase the risk of bleeding and bleeding.
6. Vitamin C.
Increases the absorption of iron supplements for the treatment of anemia and during pregnancy. In this case the effect is beneficial and it is recommended to add lemon juice to red meat and seafood or take orange juice with iron supplements.