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Velez 1-0 Institute

The José Amalfitani Stadium eagerly celebrated the omen of a victory as necessary as it was fought for, with doses of great football that made them a fair winner.

To reach the top was the main objective of the night after not being able to do so days before in Banfield. Determined to settle pending accounts, El Fortín cornered Instituto from the start, dominating the field and the ball with pure vertigo . Claudio Aquino was spicy from the start through a free kick that Manuel Roffo defused with effort to the corner. The Professor ‘s Vélez went for everything with voracity.

The only (valid) goal of the night came in the 14th minute. Aquino quickly took a corner kick that caught the Gloria defense off guard and after a rebound in the six-yard box, Fernando Alarcón touched the ball with his arm away from his body. Of course, it was a penalty that Echenique confirmed and Braian Romero converted with a strong shot to the middle.

Velez 1-0 Institute.

The spotlight did not stop and two minutes later, in another quick move, Aquino set up Romero who defined perfectly for 2-0, but at the request of the VAR the goal was annulled due to the forward’s offside position.

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Vélez subjected the Cordoba team with pressure and football , which only managed to stop a deep advance by Santiago Rodríguez, which was well resolved one-on-one by Tomás Marchiori . With great solvency in all its lines , the team went to the break recognized from all four sides of the Stadium.

In the second half, Instituo moved forward and began to play more directly and control the ball in search of a draw. Vélez responded with shots from Aquino and Romero that went wide and a strong shot from Thiago Fernández that was cleared by Roffo. It was difficult to regain control of the match, but after 20 minutes El Fortín became stronger again and played further away from its area without any major problems. It even came close to increasing its points if it weren’t for the goal disallowed by Aquino due to a previous foul by Christian Ordoñez .

With the result just in the air, but not in the game where Vélez was much more than its rival, the end of the match arrived and Amalfitani burst into a shout. Momentarily leading the competition, that’s how Gustavo Quinteros’ team is . Firm in their objective and always going for more.

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