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Yoga Postures to Increase Your Flexibility as a Couple

The athlete, Raquel González , and our all-terrain yogi, Rafa López , show us some postures to practice as a couple. Shared yoga not only offers us the possibility of increasing our physical performance but is also recommended to work on heart opening, compassion and to improve communication and relationship with the person on the next mat .

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Yoga Postures to Increase Your Flexibility as a Couple.

1. The Warrior I Variant.

  • Benefits : The chest expands completely, facilitating deep breathing, reduces stiffness in the shoulders, neck and back, tones ankles and knees, and eliminates fat from the hips. By raising the rear heel (difference to classic Virabhadrasana I) the strength of the legs is worked more and it is easier to get the hips to point forward.
  • Step by step : Standing, raise your hands above your head and separate your legs between 120 and 130 cm. Turn the trunk to the right while the feet turn forward, the right foot remains on the ground and the left foot is raised, pushing the heel outward. Repeat on the other side.

2. The Humble Warrior.

  • Benefits : The same as Virabhadrasana I variation.
  • Step by step : From Virabahadrasana I variant, interlace your hands behind your back, stretch your arms and, as you exhale, lower your trunk towards the thigh of the forward leg. Keep your chest open. Your partner can check that the knee-ankle alignment of the front leg is correct and that the arms are well stretched, forming a line of force. Change sides.

3. The Warrior in Front.

  • Benefits : Provides flexibility to legs and back, strengthens legs, tones abdominal organs, provides agility throughout the body.
  • Step by step : From Virabahadrasana I variant, move the trunk, head and arms forward until they are in line with the back leg. Ask your partner to check if your pelvis has lost its alignment. Repeat on the other side.

4. The Dog Looking Down.

  • Benefits : Eliminates fatigue and gives energy to the body. Relieves pain and stiffness in the heels, eliminates stiffness in the upper back and slows down the heart rate.
  • Step by step : Face down and with the palms of your hands resting on the sides of your chest, exhale and lift your body off the ground by stretching your arms and bringing your sit bones up and back until your feet rest on the floor. It is important that your back is completely flat, ask your partner to be careful not to round your back!

5. The Warrior II.

  • Benefits : Strengthens leg muscles and soothes calf cramps. In addition, it enhances concentration, developing physical, emotional and mental balance.
  • Step by step : With legs separated 120-130 cm. Raise your arms in line with your shoulders with your palms facing down; The right foot points forward and the left foot rotates at a 45-degree angle, trying to match the heel of the right foot with the bridge of the back foot. The right leg is bent, leaving the thigh parallel to the floor and without the knee going beyond the ankle, the left leg is completely stretched and the gaze is directed towards the fingers of the right hand. Change sides.

6. The Inverted Warrior.

  • Benefits : The same as Virabhadrasana II, adding a more intense stretch of the abdominal girdle as well as an improvement in lung capacity due to the greater opening of the chest.
  • Step by step : From Virabhadrasana II, when exhaling, let the trunk fall back, rest the left hand on the outside of the left knee and bring the right arm up. Your partner can help you maintain a good stretch on that entire right side of the body. Change sides.

The Extended Lateral Angle.

  • Benefits : Tones ankles, knees and thighs, relieves sciatica and arthritic pain, reduces fat in the waist and hips.
  • Step by step : Standing, separate your legs between 120 and 130 cm, place your arms in a cross, the right foot turns to the right 90º and the left at an angle, keeping the left leg stretched. Bend your right knee until it is above your ankle. Bring your right hand to the floor (or a block if you are not very flexible) and stretch your left arm above your ear. Change sides.

7. The Warrior III.

  • Benefits : Tones the abdominal organs, strengthens the legs, provides agility, reduces fat around the hips and bathes the mind in harmony and balance.
  • Step by step : From the Warrior I variation posture (Virabhadrasana I variation), exhale by leaning the trunk forward and placing the chest on the left thigh. Stretch your arms, stabilize the asana and with another exhalation push the body forward, lifting the left leg off the ground and placing the entire body parallel to the floor. Your partner can help you maintain balance. Repeat with the other side.

8. The Corpse.

  • Benefits : Eliminates fatigue, calms the mind.
  • Step by step : Lie face up with your arms separated from the trunk and palms facing up, close your eyes. The posture must be symmetrical and immobile. We take the opportunity to connect with our breathing.

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