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Rubén Baraja, fired with Valencia’s penultimate team at Christmas

Valencia has announced the end of Rubén Baraja’s era as coach, thanking him for his passion, commitment and dedication.

‘Pipo’ passed through the club as a player, and was part of the team that won the title in the early 2000s. He returned at the beginning of 2023 to save the club from relegation in extremis, inspiring Los Che after the departure of Gennaro Gattuso , and doing so by bleeding several impressive young men. Players like Javi Guerra, Diego López and Cristhian Mosquera are now key pieces of the first team.

Baraja once again kept Valencia ahead last season, although he was in the battle until the last day of the season. This year, however, their defensive solidity has abandoned them and they are in 19th place in the standings, tied on 12 points with Real Valladolid, who are last. Although they have one game less, Baraja’s team is four points away from safety and, despite saving a draw against Alavés on Saturday, they are on a streak of two wins in 11 games.

Former coach Quique Sánchez Flores has been linked with a return to Mestalla, but until now there has been no agreement. It is also unclear whether Baraja and Valencia reached a mutual agreement on his dismissal package, but he was owed €5 million for his dismissal, according to local reports. Their pending match is the following: Real Madrid will visit Valencia.

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