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The former Villarreal defender faces a possible second stay in jail after his arrest in Lisbon

Former Villarreal and Benfica defender Rubén Semedo has been arrested for the fourth time, this time accused of domestic violence and kidnapping. The 29-year-old was arrested by local police early Sunday morning.

Semedo was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence and kidnapping, after his partner was allegedly locked in their property, and taken to the hospital after escaping to treat her wounds, Cadena SER reports. He then alerted authorities, which led to his arrest. This comes two weeks after Semedo gave an interview to Spanish newspaper Marca about putting his legal problems behind him and starting over in Qatar. He currently plays for Al-Kohr, but runs the risk of having his passport confiscated and not being able to return to Doha.

In 2018, Semedo spent almost six months in prison for kidnapping and illegal weapons possession in Spain, and started again in Huesca after Villarreal ended his contract. He then spent time at Olympiakos, where he was charged with rape in 2021 and domestic violence in 2022 in Greece, although he was never convicted of those charges.

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