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Barcelona follows the 19-year-old Moroccan star

Few clubs have such a strong track record in identifying and then bringing in young talent over the last decade, and another of their gems has caught the eye of Barcelona. Moroccan international Eliesse Ben Seghir has outplayed defenders all season, including Blaugrana players.

Ben Seghir played 70 minutes against Barcelona in the Champions League when Monaco won 2-1 in September and, according to Gol Digital (via MD), the Blaugrana have kept an eye on him ever since. They’ve been exploring it and considering whether it could be an option before it hits the big time.

The 19-year-old has 7 goals and 4 assists in his 24 appearances this season so far and has operated centrally and on both wings at various points. He also made his debut for Morocco in 2024 and has already scored 5 goals in just 8 international matches. Rather than questioning his ability, signing him before the Premier League’s big hitters pony up big money for him seems likely to be Barcelona’s biggest obstacle.

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