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Real Valladolid finally finds Paulo Pezzolano’s replacement

Real Valladolid appear to have found a new coach almost two weeks after firing Paulo Pezzolano. Like Pezzolano, it appears that owner Ronaldo Nazario will opt for a coach with experience in Latin America.

Pezzolano was sacked following a 5-0 defeat to Atlético Madrid, and after being rejected by the likes of Gabriel Heinze and Francisco, Relevo say they convinced Diego Cocca to take on the difficult task of keeping La Pucela in La Liga. The Argentine coach will arrive with a contract until the end of the season, with the option to renew that contract if he remains in La Liga.

Valladolid are currently in last place, with just one point from their last five games. Goals have been a major problem, with only 11 in their 16 games, making them the lowest scorers in La Liga. Former Valladolid B coach Alvaro Rubio has been in charge for their last two games, and looks likely to be in charge for their relegation showdown against Valencia on Friday night at the Nuevo José Zorrilla.

Cocca arrives with 17 years of management experience, most of it in Argentina and Mexico. The former center back also developed his career in Argentina, with a brief spell in Lleida in his final years. Most recently employed by Mexico in a brief seven-game spell before Javier Aguirre took over, Cocca has had the most success at Racing in Buenos Aires and Atlas in Tijuana, winning titles with both.

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