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Real Madrid star admits trouble sleeping after recent performance

Few players in the Real Madrid squad sweat as much for the club as Fede Valverde, and when things go wrong, he has admitted that they have a lot of repercussions on him. The 26-year-old is one of the team’s leaders these days, but admitted that he is still learning to deal with mental pressure.

Although it is often seen in a negative way, Valverde was grateful for adversity because it helped him improve.

“The San Mamés game helped me a lot. I will improve, learn, so that a mistake like this does not happen again. It will be a team that will put us in a lot of difficulties and that will put men on top of us, but we have very fast and skilled people. “We are players made for these games,” Valverde told reporters in Bergamo ahead of the Champions League clash against Atalanta.

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Valverde also admitted that he tossed and turned in bed after giving away the ball for Gorka Guruzeta’s winning goal during Athletic Club’s 2-1 win over Los Blancos last week.

“Sometimes the games don’t go the way I would like… We would all like to score 10 in each game, and in San Mamés I made a mistake that cost us the game, something that had never happened to me in my entire life. professional career. It was difficult to sleep that night, but those things are part of football. The important thing is to move forward and show that, as one of the captains, I can be an example.”

The Uruguayan has been one of the players who has tried to keep things going in Los Blancos’ engine room this season, and was asked if Real Madrid find it difficult to be compact due to the number of forwards they play with. Kylian Mbappé’s name was not mentioned, but Carlo Ancelotti has generally used three forwards this season compared to two last time.

“The lineups are the coach’s responsibility. He is the person who chooses the team. It is up to us to give our best, whatever the training. Contribute our grain of sand. As a midfielder I like to play with forwards who carry the ball forward a lot and less backwards. “We want the midfielders to look towards the opposing goal and less towards the defense.”

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