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‘I was dreaming’: 17-year-old Real Madrid star on first-team debut against Girona

Real Madrid recorded an impressive 3-0 victory over Girona on Saturday and, for Daniel Yáñez, it is a day he will never forget. He was called up for the matchday after Rodrygo Goes was forced to withdraw due to muscle discomfort, and was rewarded with a cameo in the final minutes at Montilivi.

According to Diario AS, Yáñez shared his opinion on his debut with the media when he spoke to the media after full time.

“I had been dreaming of this moment for a long time, since I was born I was a Real Madrid fan. When I was a child I said it was my dream and it has come true. Ancelotti has told me to enjoy it, to play as I know how, to do what I do as a team and to let myself go.

“They called me to come to Girona today and I’m more excited than ever, to be honest. It has been a very good year for me, I work the best I can every day and I hope there are more days like this to come. I am a humble person who always dreamed of playing with the greats and learning from them. And that’s what I’m going to continue doing.”

Yáñez is a highly valued player at Real Madrid and he hopes that this appearance will be the first of many that he makes for the club of his life.

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