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Frenkie de Jong’s agent denies Barcelona exit rumors

Barcelona midfielder Frenkie de Jong has been watching his latest games from the bench, without being able to see the team. However, the Dutch midfielder will not leave Barcelona any time soon, let alone the Middle East.

This was confirmed by his agent Ali Dursun in statements to De Telegraaf. The story was originally reported in Diario AS that Dursun was exploring a move to Saudi Arabia for de Jong, and MD published the story.

“Talks in Arabia? Totally absurd. It distracts from Frenkie’s true ambition. He only wants one thing: to be in shape to shine longer in the club he loves and where he feels at home,” Dursun explained.

De Jong finds himself in a complicated situation. With his current contract running until 2026, Barcelona are keen to renew his contract at a much lower price or sell him next summer. The inclination seems to be towards the latter, but De Jong seems to want to stay at the club. However, he will also have to consider the 2026 World Cup in the United States, Mexico and Canada, where he hopes to be the star of the Netherlands.

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