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Barcelona in advanced talks to sign the defender for next summer

Barcelona are already preparing their business for next summer’s transfer market, and at the top of the list is adding defensive reinforcements to Hansi Flick’s squad. Currently, the best placed to sign is Jonathan Tah.

In recent weeks, several clubs including Bayern Munich, Real Madrid and Inter Milan have joined the race to sign Tah, who will almost certainly leave Bayer Leverkusen at the end of the season once his contract expires. However, it is Barcelona that is currently leading that race, according to Fabrizio Romani (via MD).

Last week, Barcelona sporting director Deco traveled to Leverkusen to speak with Tah and his agent, Pini Zahavi. Their interest is serious, and if he joins, it is almost certain that one of the two, Andreas Christensen or Eric García, will end up leaving the club next summer; At this stage, first is the player most likely to leave.

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