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Alphonso Davies’ agent arranges meetings with Real Madrid and Manchester United after Bayern Munich dispute

After a week in which it looked like Real Madrid would miss Bayern Munich left-back Alphonso Davies, with a number of positive updates for the Bavarians, Los Blancos have received a boost.

Davies is unlikely to make a decision on his future before January, meaning Real Madrid will be able to put a contract on the table for him to sign. According to Christian Falk in The Daily Briefing, agent Nedal Huoseh was due to have a meeting with Bayern in Munich, but canceled it, leading to a meeting via Zoom. However, football director Max Eberl was not present at the meeting, leaving Huoseh “very angry” – it is not the first time that relations between Bayern and Househ have become strained.

As a result, the next round of talks will take place in January and, although Bayern are optimistic about Davies signing a new contract, Househ has arranged meetings with Manchester United and Real Madrid to listen to their offers. Despite pressure from Bayern to sign soon, it looks like the case will drag on until January. It is noted that Real Madrid does not offer much more than Bayern Munich at the moment, which could open the door to United with an important contract.

The one who does not bode well is Barcelona. They are credited with interest in Davies, but due to uncertainty over their finances, it appears Huoseh does not see them as a realistic alternative. It was reported earlier this week that Real Madrid are also increasingly frustrated with Davies and are close to turning their attention elsewhere.

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